Its economy suffered from the same problems faced by other former socialist East European countries. 经济面临着和前东欧社会主义国家所面临的相同问题。
We have done better than the Soviet Union and a number of East European countries. 我们比苏联和一些东欧国家做得好些。
That came in the campaign's final fortnight, when he proposed that NATO begin admitting Central and East European nations to the Atlantic alliance by1999. 那是在竞选进入最后两周时所提出的,当时他提议说,北大西洋公约组织应该在1999年之前,接受中欧和东欧国家加入这个大西洋联盟。
Of particular concern are the central and east European countries 'large external financing needs and west European banks' exposure to these countries. 尤其令人担忧的是中、东欧国家对外部融资的大量需求,以及西欧银行对这些国家的风险敞口。
Journal of Russian and East European Psychology 俄罗斯与东欧心理学杂志
The Effect of International Financial Crisis on the Central and East European Countries 'Economy 国际金融危机对中东欧国家经济的影响
International Association for South East European Studies Socialist Union of Central-Eastern Europe 国际东南欧研究学会中东欧社会主义联合会
This site is one of the most complete and perfectly preserved monuments of east European medieval art. 该遗产是东欧中世纪艺术品最多、存最完好的地方之一。
Food imports by the East European nonmarket economies also have grown. 东欧非市场经济国家的粮食进口也增加了。
International Symposium and Business Week on Trade with Central and East European Countries 中欧和东欧国家贸易国际专题讨论会与商业周
Another fitting example of policy complacency is the response to the central and East European ( CEE) currency crisis. 有关政策自满的另一个恰当例子是他们对中东欧(cee)货币危机的反应。
Oxford led by two lengths. Dominant nations in world rowing include Germany, East European countries and the USA. 在世界赛艇运动中处于领先地位的国家有德国、东欧国家和美国。
As a result of World War II, Chiang Kai-shek and the landlords were overthrown in China and the East European countries and a number of countries in Asia were liberated. 第二次世界大战的结果,在中国把蒋介石和地主推翻了,东欧国家和一些亚洲国家也解放了。
We want to push forward our cooperation in human resources training and will invite more officials and technical personnel from central and east European countries to China for training courses. 中方还愿意推动双方在人力资源培训领域的合作,邀请更多中东欧国家的官员和技术人员来华培训。
Is it possible for transitional East European countries to draw lessons from the East asian "strong government model"? 东欧转轨国家可以借鉴东亚模式的“强政府”吗?
The lowland is divided by the Ural Mountain into the East European Plain to the west and the West Siberian Plain and Central Siberian Plateau to the east. 在西部地区,乌拉尔山脉的西侧为东欧平原,东侧为西西伯利亚平原和中西伯利亚高原。陆栖的西伯利亚花鼠。
For many East European workers, this control is very welcome. 许多东欧员工对这种控制非常受用。
For a very long time our relations with the East European countries were not normal. 在过去相当长一个时期里,我们同东欧关系不正常。
E.H.There is an undoubted revival of public interest in Marx in the capitalist world, though probably not as yet in the new East European members of the European Union. 埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆:在资本主义世界中,大众对马克思的兴趣无疑正在复苏,但在欧盟的东欧国家中,暂时还没有这种现象。
Dominant nations in world wrestling include Russia, East European countries and the USA. 世界上在摔跤运动方面居于领先地位的国家有俄罗斯,东欧国家和美国。
Dominant nations in canoeing include Russia, Germany and East European countries. 在世界皮划艇运动中居主导地位的国家有俄罗斯、德国、东欧国家。
There is no financial risk in selling to east European countries on credit. 向东欧国家赊销没有财务风险。
The East European numbers are depressed by the use of early retirement and disability awards during the post-communist restructuring. 在东欧剧变后的重建期间,提前退休和残疾人补助削弱了东欧就业数据。
The Last Ten Years of East European Socialism& Retrospect and Introspection after 20 Years 东欧社会主义的最后十年&二十年后的回顾与反思
The second is composed of the Soviet Union and the East European countries. 一个是对苏联和东欧国家的开放,这也是一个方面。
Mr Zoellick's comments follow calls for region-wide international action made recently by Austria, the west European country with the greatest exposure to eastern Europe, Hungary and some other east European states. 佐利克发表上述言论前,奥地利(与东欧联系最为密切的西欧国家)、匈牙利和其它一些东欧国家最近曾呼吁,应采取地区性的国际行动。
Yet while East European economies slowly converge with those of Western Europe, including in labour costs, the current pay surge contains significant one-off elements. 然而,包括劳动力成本在内,尽管东欧经济体正慢慢向西欧看齐,但东欧目前的薪资涨幅包含了重要的一次性因素。
International Committee for Soviet and East European Studies 国际苏联和东欧研究委员会
A central and East European crisis is therefore a systemic event for the eurozone as well. 因此,对于欧元区而言,中东欧危机也是一个系统性事件。